Wednesday, June 6, 2012


The ATRL logo is probably one of the most basic logos I have ever seen. It's a joke, and pretty much anyone could make it themselves. There's no creative elements to it whatsoever. It comes off as lazy, and half-assed. Point is, it doesn't make you want to join the site. It doesn't draw you in, and isn't eye-catching in any way.

This is particularly surprising to me seeing that there are great graphic designers on the site. Maybe not as much now as there were in years past, but still....ATRL really doesn't use its resources to its full potential.
What's funny is that ATRL is a POP forum, yet  the logo doesn't POP. The competition has way better logos, that are eye-catching and much more visually appealing.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Another reason ATRL sucks is the slow server.  Alexa rates the site as "Very Slow" average load time. 97% of sites are faster, which is pretty insane. I remember typing big posts and big lists before and the site disconnected, causing me to lose all of my hard work and effort. Not only that, but you should be able to log on and post whenever you want. The wait gets very tedious, and it makes the site inconvenient. With mood problems, I got annoyed and frustrated very easily when I tried to navigate the site and ran into loading problems.

Take a look at the Alexa review

More to come.


One reason ATRL sucks is due to the fact that members bully the mentally ill. I fell victim to this WAY too often. So I'm warning you, the members are generally cruel if you're even slightly different.

When I was majorly depressed and sad, harsh words flew at me. Just because I needed attention, people lashed out at me like I'm some kind of animal. Here's a disturbing image someone made up containing one of my posts:

People laughed at this image. Not only is this disturbing, but it is downright cruel to play with someone who is contemplating suicide.

Stay tune for more reasons why ATRL sucks.